
There is no me without him
But my mother prepares me
She strings the coins
And wipes my tears
My eyes tell the truth
That else’s is my heart
My soul is on fire
Ignited by love for another

I won’t surrender my heart before anyone x4

Someone who would throw it
And gift me a false hope
I won’t!
Someone who would hurt it
And pluck the roses red

I won’t!

In won’t, for sake…

Without him just wasteland
And to some other a slave
A pearl spilled
A tear poured
My eyes tell the truth
I must go in peace

My soul is on fire
Ignited by love for another

I won’t surrender my heart before anyone x4

Someone who would throw it
And gift me a false hope
I won’t!
Someone who would hurt it
And pluck the roses red

I won’t!

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