WDR.de: Radio forum guest : Božo Vrećo

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Božo Vrećo as one of the best Sevdah interpreters in the recent times, before his concert in Düsseldorf, was a guest of today’s Radio Forum show.

Sold-out Sava Center in Belgrade, sold-out Concert Hall Vatroslav Lisinski in Zagreb – are really good indicators that, as Božo likes to say, “the region breathes” his music and his emotions. Božo Vrećo is interpreter and author of Sevdalinka songs, artist, writer and many other things at the same time. He is today well-known for his slightly ethereal voice and very emotional performances of his songs. In addition to his specific voice, he quickly grabbed everyone’s attention with his diverse lifestyle.

The New York Times described this lyrical tenor as “a man of angelic voice touching the hearts and souls” while Božo claims that this is primarily a gift from God. That’s why he never went to singing lessons or to some kind of music school.

He emphasizes that “the duality of Sevdah is deeply imprinted in himself”, and that strongly influences his beautiful singing. Freedom is one of the topics that, as he says, goes through his entire work.

“I managed to find freedom first, to accept it, and to go boldly forward, no matter what happens. I do not feel fear at all. I know my way”, says Božo. Regarding the visual part of his performances he explains: “Whoever shines, he can wear a sack, but he will always shine!”

(WDR.de 19.03.2018)

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